Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Got 'em

Fortune in the skies allowed for a perfect opportunity to get this last fish...or so I believe it will be. I'm watching each time I travel that road and have not seen any new displays from the roadside artist.

There's an up-close-and-personal view for those who are driving that road and don't stray with your eyes.

I know my dad will be proud of me catching all these fish.....my next mission will be to get him to follow my blog.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fish Continued

Found some more fish by the road.
There's one more in the north bound lane that I still have to photograph.

These two caught me by surprise....like the others.

After cropping these I decided to crop a couple of the others for clarification. They're a little more interesting at 50MPH and with the late day sun. I will wait for a nice foggy morning or another late afternoon to photograph them again.